Aloud Jaialdia
Pinpilinpussies, Viva Belgrado, Ànteros, Doblecapa, Bones of Minerva and Linalab will perform at Bonberenea
The celebration of the 25th anniversary of Bonberenea has meant that, for the first time in many years, the senior staff of Aloud Music meet at the same festival (Jaialdia). Bonberenea is something like our home in Euskal Herria, a house where we have learned, enjoyed and shared great moments and which is a total reference.
Almost all the bands on the label have gone through Bonberenea at some point. Some many times, even. It is an old firehouse squatted 25 years ago and converted into a temple of rock. There are rooms to play, recording studio, skate park, place to sleep, kitchen, radio…
The boss, someone loved and respected by the entire scene, is Patxi. He is usually in the shade, but there was a day when he wanted to talk to us in El Patxaran. What he tells is super interesting.
We open at 7pm, and in order, Bones of Minerva, Linalab, Ànteros, DobleCapa, Viva Belgrado and Pinpilinpussies will play their complete set. 6 bands, €10, and the usual Alouder atmosphere. We are waiting for you to celebrate, we deserve it.